Great choice! In a Space-Time rotation (that you propose), once inside, the inertial force of the non-inertial system (i.e. of the Universe) looks mysterious!! ... ... and you call it "Dark Energy" ... [+see comment on the other demo for Dark Matter ...]
Great choice! In a Space-Time rotation (that you propose), once inside, the inertial force of the non-inertial system (i.e. of the Universe) looks mysterious!! ... ... and you call it "Dark Energy" ... [+see comment on the other demo for Dark Matter ...]
Below is my attempt at explaining the problems of dark energy and dark matter that I developed in 2010. The two most outstanding unsolved problems of modern cosmology today are the problems of dark energy and dark matter. Together these two problems imply that about a whopping 96% of the energy content of the universe is simply unaccounted for within the reigning paradigm of modern cosmology. T he dark energy problem has been around only for about two decades, while the dark matter problem has gone unsolved for about 90 years. Various ideas have been put forward, including some fantastic ones such as the presence of ghostly fields and particles. Some ideas even suggest the breakdown of the standard Newton-Einstein gravity for the relevant scales. Although some progress has been made particularly in the area of dark matter with the nonstandard gravity theories, the problems still stand unresolved. I n this article, I propose a globally rotating universe (that is,
Spin quantum number is the fourth parameter needed to uniquely describe the quantum state of a, say, fermion such as an electron. It was originally postulated by the brilliant, albeit caustic, Austrian physicist Wolfgang Pauli. Shortly afterwards some physicists interpreted it as self-rotation. Pauli himself was not happy with this interpretation because a quick calculation shows that such a mechanical supposition requires a superluminal rotation of the electron's "surface," which goes counter to the dictates of the special theory of relativity. So how is quantum spin explained then? Is there a physical model for it? The standard answer to these questions is that we are supposed to think of quantum spin as a two-valued intrinsic quantum degree of freedom, corresponding to an "intrinsic" angular momentum, with no classical analog . And the majority of physicists follow this catechism. But I don't! When self-rotation so neatly explains the two-valuedness
Great choice! In a Space-Time rotation (that you propose), once inside, the inertial force of the non-inertial system (i.e. of the Universe) looks mysterious!! ...
ReplyDelete... and you call it "Dark Energy" ...
[+see comment on the other demo for Dark Matter ...]
Great choice! In a Space-Time rotation (that you propose), once inside, the inertial force of the non-inertial system (i.e. of the Universe) looks mysterious!! ...
ReplyDelete... and you call it "Dark Energy" ...
[+see comment on the other demo for Dark Matter ...]