Dark Energy and Dark Matter are Cosmic Centrifugal and Coriolis Forces

Below is my attempt at explaining the problems of dark energy and dark matter that I developed in 2010.

The two most outstanding unsolved problems of modern cosmology today are the problems of dark energy and dark matter. Together these two problems imply that about a whopping 96% of the energy content of the universe is simply unaccounted for within the reigning paradigm of modern cosmology.

The dark energy problem has been around only for about two decades, while the dark matter problem has gone unsolved for about 90 years. Various ideas have been put forward, including some fantastic ones such as the presence of ghostly fields and particles. Some ideas even suggest the breakdown of the standard Newton-Einstein gravity for the relevant scales.

Although some progress has been made particularly in the area of dark matter with the nonstandard gravity theories, the problems still stand unresolved. 

In this article, I propose a globally rotating universe (that is, the spacetime background is rotating). My motivation is simple: when we observe mysterious effects in our universe, whose supposed causes we cannot seem to be detecting, our first reaction should not be to hypothesize undetectable ghostly particles or modify our standard and normally very successful laws of physics. Rather, the common sense would require that we first explore whether we are living in a non-inertial universe. This is especially so since the properties of dark energy and dark matter are so “mysteriously” gravity-like. What better gravity-like effects than inertial effects such as the good old centrifugal and Coriolis forces? Indeed, the equivalence principle teaches us the equivalence of gravitational and inertial effects.

My calculations are not based on recondite mathematical physics theories, and will perhaps be viewed by the “experts” in the field as simplistic and naïve. My point, however, in writing this article is to present yet another candidate, if for nothing else than just brain storming on cosmology and relativity, for explaining the two mysteries of modern cosmology, especially given the fact that no one has any answer as to how to explain the missing 96% of the universe.

My humble calculations in this model do produce---in one stroke and, for me, in a fine display of unification---the main parameters of both dark energy and dark matter with a stunning degree of precision, and thus give a strong support for the rotary paradigm to resolve the two most outstanding problems of modern cosmology. In other words, this model does naturally unify these two seemingly unrelated phenomena.  

Proleptically, and right at the outset, I would like to point out that the presented model is patently at odds with the cosmological principle. To this end, I suggest that the reader keep in mind two considerations: first, the rotation proposed does not have to be around a fixed axis: the axis of rotation itself might be rotating, which carried more significance in the early days of the universe when the rotation speed (the Hubble parameter) was, by the conservation of angular momentum, very large, and hence a homogeneous-looking universe. Second, my model posits a cosmic rotation with an angular speed that is currently equal to the Hubble constant, and so it is a bit less than 10^-10 rad/year, which is very very slow. Our current observational techniques cannot yet detect such a small global rotation. However, there are observations done by astronomers such as Michael Longo suggesting a spinning universe, potentially supporting my hypothesis.  

For details, I will have to direct you to the arxiv.org website for two of my papers on this topic:

Serkan Zorba


  1. Excellent work! I was about to write comments, when I received your invitation. I had a similar idea a few months ago, and via google search I came across your arxiv paper and blog. For some time now I have been looking into the subject and wanted to cooperate by getting in touch with you.

  2. More and more the modern Astronomers, Cosmologists and Elementary Particle physicists are getting frustrated and disappointed by the non detection of the totally ad-hoc ideas of Dark Matter and Dark Energy. For example the LUX experimemt (Large Underground Xenon ...), although reached its highest resolution has failed to detect even a single dark matter event on earth.

    Furthermore, the total 96% of the supposingly combined Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe would make it reasonable to expect an easy and direct detection through gravity and gravitational waves, even on earth. However such a detection seems a far away dream which will never happen.

    On the other hand, Serkan Zorba's theory and model of a rotating universe (which is a non-inertial system) seems more plausible and intuitive, as well as it productively predicts and produces in an exciting way all known results by explaining Dark Energy and Dark matter as inertial effects, while at the same time explains and reveals the true meaning of the Cosmological Constant (Hubble's costant), which cannot be a coincidence!

    I think it's a matter of time that such a theory will be accepted, which would make Serkan Zorba "the new Galileo" ...
    ("The Universe is spinning" versus "the Earth is spinning" ...).

    1. correction: ... of the Cosmological Constant (as well as Hubble's costant), ...

  3. Stavros, thank you for your support for my theory.

  4. Also, I was going to add that with your other work-idea (in this blog) "What is the Origin of Intrinsic Quantum Spin?", now all types of spontaneous rotation in the Universe are unified and are of the same origin! Thus the story of rotation has now gone far further from Galileo ...

    And all that because of innovative and creative thinking. All that remains is the completion of the formalism, to be tested.

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